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Negotiations Update for August 12th, 2024

Today marked the first full day of round-the-clock bargaining at the hotel. We remain focused on the issues you told us were important. The company passed their first economic proposal and as it’s the first day of bargaining, it’s no surprise, we are far from reaching agreement. We continue to stand strong on our proposals for many items including wages, retirement, and health care.

To date, the company refuses to offer long-term job security for our Members. We can’t forget 2003, 2011, and 2013 when they threatened to move whole airplane programs to other states. Our Members and our communities have earned and deserve a commitment from this company as we can only be successful together.

The company's recent claims of nearly 60% increases in take-home pay for IAM 751 and W24 Members over the last decade are misleading - no one has seen that kind of increase in their take home pay.

Trust one source for accurate information - Your Union. We will continue to be straightforward and keep you properly informed as quickly as possible.

In unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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1 comentario

Can you please post in writing what we are proposing to the company and what they are countering. I know its a negotiation but would like to know where we started and where we end up so we all can make a sound decision if the deal is good or not. the terms have only been discussed in zoom meetings but nothing in writing of what we are really trying to get on this contract. I've personally only heard from others what we are but nothing officially from the Union on what is in our proposal to Boeing.

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