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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - September 4, 2024

Wages, health care, retirement, and job security have always been top priorities for our Members. But this time, it's different. Our Members have made it clear that they deserve more than the status quo - they deserve a better life and more of a work-life balance.

Work to live, not live to work. That's what every worker should have, but it's not the reality for many, even at Boeing. Our Members are demanding change. Stagnant wages over the last decade, little to no job security, mandatory overtime, and rising costs have made it hard for some to stay afloat. For many, this contract is about making up ground and building for the future, so much more than just surviving.  

This contract cycle, the Membership asked for more. Our Members are calling for more time with their families, to rest, and the freedom to live their lives without sacrificing their financial security. Your Union Negotiators are at the table fighting for precisely that. We're pushing hard to reduce or eliminate mandatory overtime so you can choose when you work and when you spend time with the people who matter most. We're demanding more vacation time for everyone and more holidays because you deserve some days off after all the hours you've put in. Our Members have earned the time to rest, recharge, and enjoy memorable days with their families.

Over the decades, our Members have not chosen to strike over wages. We have taken less during lean years, downturns in the market, or sacrificed for other important provisions. This contract is different. We are coming off a long 10-year extension with stagnated wages and increased medical costs while experiencing the highest inflation in over 40 years. Your negotiating committee spent all day working on proposals and waiting for the company's Article 6 proposal on Wages and Seniority progression. The company has not moved enough on wages and has not proposed one set of progressions in a career. 

Time is running short. Striking over wages is now a real possibility and would be justified. Our Members deserve better!

This contract is restoring balance, respect, and quality of life for the 33,000 Members and their families who have supported this company through thick and thin. You deserve better.

Time is ticking with just eight days until expiration - the pressure is building. We remain vigilant in presenting our counterproposals and fighting for your priorities. We are still locked in a battle over wages, retirement, medical, work-life balance, and job security, but we have laid out a clear path that we believe, if the company follows, can lead to a successful agreement. Stand Strong!

In Unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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