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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - August 28, 2024

At the table, we remain focused heavily on Article 11 and Attachments A and B on medical benefits and cost share. The Union is sticking to the Membership's priorities by working to lower costs and improve benefits. Our fight continues tomorrow at the bargaining table.  

Tonight, we wanted to focus on the voting process and getting Members ready for what will happen on September 12, 2024.

Boeing Portland and PDX Paint Hanger

  • Location: (SMART Local 16) 2379 NE 178th Ave Portland, OR 97230

  • Time: Polls will be open from 6:30am to 5pm

  • Proof of ID is required (State Issued or Boeing Badge)

  • Only members in good standing are eligible to vote

  • Members will cast two ballots on Sept. 12th, 2024, a contract ratification vote and a vote to strike or not, members will be given a ballot so they may vote on each action. One ballot is to accept or reject the contract and one to reaffirm a strike. Whether you vote to accept or reject the company's contract offer, we advise members to vote YES on the strike ballot to give authority to the majority if the contract is rejected. Please remember, if a majority of members vote to reject the contract but less than two-thirds vote to strike, the contract is accepted by default. The Union cannot call a strike. That's why you must vote on both actions.

For more information, check out our website at

In Unity,

Your IAM District W24 Negotiating Committee

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