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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - August 27, 2024

In bargaining, your Negotiating Committee builds proposals that represent what was learned from and prioritized by the members. While these proposals are important, they only carry weight because of the Membership on the floor. Our real strength is, and always will be, from the Members on the floor. We hear about the marches, the noise-making, and the show of Solidarity happening across Puget Sound and Portland, and so does the company. Keep up the excellent work. 


There are a few weeks left, and we are still hopeful we can come to an agreement, but I have to say that we are still very far apart on wages, retirement, and medical. In going over their counterproposals today in caucus, it was apparent they still aren't hearing what their workforce is saying. Although the company did move a little, they aren't taking into account how long our Members have been waiting to renegotiate this contract.


Ask any Machinist, and they will tell you they have been waiting far too long to get back to the table to address the stagnated wages, a commitment to the future, retirement options that aren't close to the pension they took away - the list goes on and on. We are in unprecedented territory, and there's no model to point to for reference because the last time we bargained the full agreement was 16 years ago. There are dozens of issues members want to address, and the company needs to listen and respect the workers who have made them successful for decades. 


We will be holding picket captain training soon and are so proud of our Members who are standing up and taking charge. No matter what happens at the table, we need to be ready ahead of time in case our Members decide to strike. We are prepared and will be in full force if that happens. 


Every day, the company witnesses the strength of 33,000 Machinists on the job, building the world's best airplanes. That's the power we will harness if we all need to grab a picket sign and walk.


Thank you to all the Members who are making a difference.


In Unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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