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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - August 26, 2024

Securing the next airline program is not just a priority - it's a necessity for IAM Districts 751 and W24 Members.


Consider this from our perspective: you're on the shop floor, pouring your skills, sweat, and dedication into every aircraft you build. Then, the company assures you, "We promise we won't move any airplane programs out of state." But how can we trust that promise when history tells us otherwise?


In 2003, they threatened to move the 787 out of state unless they got $3.2 billion in tax incentives from the state of Washington, which we helped them get. This airplane was the future, and now it's gone.

In 2011, they threatened to remove the 737 MAX and have it produced elsewhere unless we agreed to a 4-year extension.


Then, in 2013, a year and ten months later, they threatened to take the 777X and build it somewhere else unless we agreed to give up our pensions, stagnate wages, and accept a massive cost shift in healthcare costs onto our Members for ten years.


In 2021, they consolidated the 787 in South Carolina, just like we knew they would once they set up the second line.  


We can't allow our Members to be placed in a position where this company will threaten our livelihoods, our families, and the communities where we live the next time they launch a new airplane program. We can't remain at the mercy of a company leadership that won't think twice about forcing you to give up pay, benefits, and your financial security to boost their stock price and bonuses. 


Our job security effort is not at the expense of other important improvements. It's increased wages and job security. It's increased insurance benefits and being included in the vision for the future. It's retirement security and jobs for our Members and those who follow. 


We have been the backbone of this company, keeping it airborne through the toughest of times. We've weathered every storm; now it's time for the company to stand by us.


Washington State has bent backward to support Boeing, pouring billions into incentives and infrastructure, ensuring the company has everything it needs to succeed. The state and the Machinists have invested countless resources in the education and training of aerospace workers, building a workforce that is second to none. We've developed a robust and reliable supply chain that Boeing relies on to maintain its competitive edge.


This is not like past negotiations, and there is more at stake. We've done our part, and it's time for the company to do theirs.


The expiration is fast approaching. 


Tick Tock…


In Unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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