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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - August 25, 2024

The jobs IAM 751 and W24 Members work aren't easy - both mentally and physically. A lot of our Union brothers and sisters have sacrificed the health of their bodies to make the best damn planes in the world. That sacrifice deserves health care that takes care of them when they need it most.


Today, we reviewed the company's latest counteroffer on medical and other insurance benefits in Attachments A&B and Article 11. We have seen movement and made progress against their concessionary proposals, moving them in the right direction. However, we continue to propose improvements that reflect the areas Members identified as important. We are not in agreement yet. Healthcare services and the associated costs impact every Member and their families and warrant the time we have spent to make improvements. We will continue to make the case these benefits are just as crucial to the workforce as wages, job security, and retirement security.


We are proud to represent you and even prouder to hear about the marches and other concerted activities that Members are engaged in at every site on all shifts. Your voice will make the difference as the power of our Union is on the shop floor, on every flightline, and at every site. The company needs to listen to you and make the improvements to secure an agreement.  It's time to show workers the respect they have earned and deserve. 


Workers on the factory floors from Everett to Portland to Victorville, CA, and every shop in between possess incredible power. Your knowledge and skills should be honored with a contract that improves every item essential and valuable to you and your loved ones. You deserve wages, retirement, improved medical, job security, and every other item - nothing less. The company wants a commitment from us; we deserve the same from the company.



In Unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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