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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - August 23, 2024

For years, we've heard from our Membership that higher wages are one of the top priorities for IAM 751 and W24 Members. Considering how our Members' take-home pay has stagnated over the last decade, it's no surprise. Meanwhile, we've watched a series of CEOs come and go, making short-term decisions with long-term consequences that have hurt the company, the workforce, and our communities - yet they've left with millions in cash, bonuses, and stocks. On top of that, the company has spent tens of billions on stock buybacks and dividends and paid billions in criminal fines.


These issues have been making headlines for years. But what hasn't made the headlines is the company's failure to invest in its most valuable asset: its workforce.


Every product that rolls off the factory floor may have Boeing's name on it, but each plane carries the heart and soul of every IAM 751 and W24 Member who built it. We are the ones who will make things right for this company today, tomorrow, and in the future.


Today, we countered Article 6 (Rates of Pay), and our proposal remains aggressive. After receiving an unacceptable wage counter from the company a few days ago, we had to remind them at the table that our Members have already made sacrifices that justify our proposed increases.


Wages are about more than just base pay increases. We continue to fight for improved progression, increased minimums and maximums on labor grades, higher pay additives, and a COLA formula that captures more of the actual inflation we all feel.


While we can't share specifics from the table in these updates - since nothing is settled - we can tell you that we don't believe the company is addressing your top concerns in their offers. It's time for Boeing to make good on their promises and take care of the workforce that keeps this company running.


Our Members have done their job; we need to see proposals that reflect your hard work. 


In Unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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