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IAM/Boeing Contract 2024 Negotiations Update - August 19, 2024

This morning, your Union negotiators took some time to assess our progress and focus on what remains to be done. With a 304-page contract, we're meticulously reviewing every detail - refining language, building counterproposals, and always keeping member priorities at the forefront. 


To date, we've already presented all the major issues - Wages, Pension, 401(k) improvements, Job Security, Progression, Healthcare, and more - but the company's responses have yet to meet your expectations. Therefore, we persist in our negotiations.


While we've tentatively agreed on many smaller issues, the most significant items are still on the table, awaiting the company's response. We will not accept a simple "not interested" from the company on any major item without reasserting our proposals - this fight is too important.


Whether you're a new hire or a seasoned veteran, your voice drives our efforts at the bargaining table. Again, our members deserve better, and we will continue pushing for the best contract we can accomplish. Our success is something that we will achieve together.  


In Unity,

Your IAM District 751 and District W24 Negotiating Committee

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